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About Hannah

Hanya Hsu

Hello, everyone.

I'm Hannah Hsu, I originally from Tainan, a city in Taiwan, but I currently live in New York.

I graduated from the Institute of Culinary Education to study Pastry and Baking Art in 2018.

I specialize in piping floral cake, Japanese- style wagashi, frosted cookies, meringue cookies, and Taiwanese desserts. I also teach cake decorating classes.

What's so special in my cake? My receipes come form Taiwan and Japan,so it is less sweet than U.S. bakeries and it will give you WOW when you take a bite I believe.

On this website, I share my work and my life as a baker.

Please contact me for more information about placing orders and the type of classes I offer.

Our privite studio located in Flushing, Queens. We offers certificate courses that meet Japanese and Korean Profesional Confectionery Standards and it's the only studio in NYC area licensed to do so.

We currently offer the following certificate courses:

  • Korean Style Cream Clay Palette Knife Flower

  • Korean Style Cream Clay Flower

  • Cream Clay Sculpting

  • Chocolate Flower

  • Beeswax Flower

  • Gypsum Diffuser

  • Japanese Wagashi

  • Icing cookies

  • Meringue cookies

  • Character Cakes

All of the above are certified instructor courses. Students can apply for the instructor licenses with the respective organizations/associations, upon completion of the course and approval of their works. We also offer one day workshop.

Hannah老師 來自台灣,台南,現居美國紐約。

畢業於美國紐約曼哈頓的廚藝學校Instutite of Culinary Eduaction,主修Pastry & Baking Art。








< 相關工作經歷>:


*紐約Cookies for kid's cancer 活動甜點製作


*My BakingLife烘培生活工作室教學講師


<相關證照資格 >:


*日本JSA和菓子藝術講師認證Nerikiri Art® Certified Instructor

*日本JSA糖霜餅乾講師認證Icing Cookie Instructor Certificate

*日本JSA馬林糖餅乾講師認證Meringue Cookie Instructor Certificate

*日本JSA造型蛋糕講師認證Buttercream Party Decoration Cake Instructor Certificate

*英國PME翻糖證照 PME Sugar Paste Model Certificate

*英國PME糖花證書PME Edible Flower Certificate

*英國Square Kitchen翻糖證書SK Sugar Paste Certificate

*英國Square Kitchen威化花證書 SK Wafer Paper Flowers Certificate

*美國惠爾通Wilton擠花初階證書Wilton Course 1 Certificate

*美國惠爾通Wilton擠花進階階證書Wilton Course 2 Certificate

*美國惠爾通Wilton翻糖證書Wilton Fondant Course Certificate

*韓國Rice Edu Lab協會豆沙擠花蛋糕證照 Bean Paste Flower Cake Certificate


*韓國蜜蠟花師資證照 Beewax flower Instructor Certificate

*韓國IFA刮刀花師資證照 knife flower Instructor Certificate

*韓國KDFCA巧克力捏花師資 Chocolate flower Instructor Certificate

*韓國KHFA蠟燭藝術刮刀花專業導師證書Art Knife Flower Candle Expert Instructor Certificate

*韓國KHRA石膏捏塑師資Plaster Paste Craft Expert Certificate


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